About Us

"VB Holiday Home" is not only a booking agency but a very passionate independent a company that works to ensure the highest quality self catering holiday accommodations or help you manage and maintain you house in Italy.

All our Villas and Apartments for rent in Tuscany & Umbria are subject to a rigorous inspection and must meet our strict quality requirements.
Villas are not only selected by the luxury of its features but from the feeling of warmth we have when we visit and the hospitality we receive from the owner.

We believe that the word "Luxury" does not only mean something very expensive but the possibility to enjoy something special that we normally don"t have time to do, like relaxing with a glass of wine in a beautiful setting watching and amazing sunset.

This is "Luxury"Whether it's for a family holiday, a reunion of friends, a short break or a honeymoon you will find the perfect Villa & Apartment for rent in Tuscany and Umbria in our selection, in the most beautiful and attractive locations.

We will assist you in the choice of your ideal house and make of your holiday in Italy an unforgettable experience.

VB Holiday Home di Felice Matania Vincenzo
C.S. Le Piagge 1221/C
52044 Cortona (Ar)
Cel +39 3346581078 / +39 3389844682
Fax +39 0575 1948708
PI 02173470515
Pec defelice.vincenzo@legalmail.it

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